ALICAP: This is the District’s Insurance Company’s web site. This link is provided so employees can complete the online safety training. Following are the instructions for accessing the training.

  • In the center of the ALICAP homepage page, “click” on the words SafeSchools Training (toward the bottom, near the picture of the school bus).
  • Scroll through the list and then “click” on Fort Calhoun Community Schools.
  • This opens the login page; enter your user name in the space provided – this is your employee number – “click “on the sign in button. Your name and position information should appear (if the information is incorrect contact Derrick Blomstedt) – “click” on the login button.
  • Under course, select the required safety training course.

Employee Access Center (EAC): Contains Demographic Information, Education Certification, Payroll Checks, Salary and Benefits, Leave information, Print  W-2s, Tax Information, Deductions and Benefits, and What if paycheck calculator.

Since the District only pays via direct deposit, when you receive the e-mail notification, go to the EAC to view (or print) your voucher.

Employee Frontline Link: This is the District’s time clock software.

For any questions, contact Shelly Nourse at 402-468-5591 xt.105