BUS/VAN CONDUCT – Refer to Board Policy 5044
On regular morning and afternoon bus trips to and from school the bus driver is the supervisor. Regular school conduct is required of all students. Students who violate the Rules for Conduct will be referred to the transportation director and their building principal for discipline. Disciplinary consequences may include but are not limited to:
First Offense – Notice is sent home as a reminder to the student and parent. Disciplinary action is taken as needed.
Second Offense – The student is suspended from riding the school bus for a minimum of three days.
Third Offense – The student is suspended from riding the school bus for a minimum of 10 days.
Fourth Offense – The student is expelled from school bus privileges for the remainder of the semester.
Rules of Conduct on School Vehicles:
Students must obey the driver promptly.
Students must wait in a safe place for the bus to arrive, clear of traffic and away from where the vehicle stops.
Students are prohibited from fighting, engaging in bullying, harassment or horseplay.
Students must enter the bus without crowding or disturbing others and go directly to their assigned seats.
Students must remain seated and keep aisles and exits clear while the vehicle is moving.
Students are prohibited from throwing or passing objects on, from, or into vehicles.
Students may not use profane language, obscene gestures, tobacco, alcohol, drugs or any other controlled substance on the vehicles.
Students may not carry weapons, look-a-like weapons, hazardous materials, nuisance items or animals onto the vehicle.
Students may carry on conversations in ordinary tones, but may not be loud or boisterous and should avoid talking to the driver while the vehicle is in motion. Students must be absolutely quiet when the vehicle approaches a railroad crossing and any time the driver calls for quiet.
Students may not open windows without permission from the driver. Students may not dangle any item (e.g. legs, arms, backpacks) out of the windows.
Student must secure any item or items that could break or produce injury if tossed about the inside of the vehicle if the vehicle were involved in an accident
Students must respect the rights and safety of others at all times.
Students must help keep the vehicle clean, sanitary and orderly. Students must remove all personal items and trash upon exiting.
Students may not leave or board the vehicle at locations other than the assigned stops at home or school unless approved prior to departure by the superintendent or designee.
Students who participate in activities shall ride to and from the activity on school-sponsored transportation. Written requests, submitted to the coach and or sponsor of the activity, may be made by parents asking that their student be allowed to go or return from the activity with the parents or with other parents. Such requests may be honored. At no time will students be allowed to ride home with other students or younger adults. While at the activity, students are to remain with the group at the site of the activity or other assigned site or staging area unless excused by the school sponsor. This policy has been created for the safety of students and for the convenience of the parents, instructors, and sponsors.