Are you wondering what those tickets are at school your student continues to talk about at home? We have the answer! The tickets are a part of our initiative with reinforcing and recognizing positive behavior. This initiative intertwines with our school-wide behavior goals; Safe, Brave, Respectful and Responsible Pioneers. All staff can hand out tickets to students that are following those behavior goals. Once a student receives a ticket they place the ticket in a container and then staff draws eight lucky winners for “Pioneer of the Day”. Those students come to the office to be recognized. At the end of the week, two students are then drawn for “Pioneer of the Week.” If a student is drawn for “Pioneer of the Week” they receive a certificate and get posted on the digital board as you walk into the school. Lastly, as the students continue to receive tickets they are trying to fill up a 5-gallon bucket. If they make their goal we will have a school-wide celebration. Continue to ask your student if they received a ticket and we will continue to be Safe, Brave, Respectful, and Responsible Pioneers! Thank you for your time.
It’s a great day to be a PIONEER!
– Mr. Wagner, Principal