Welcome to the Fort Calhoun High School Spanish Club website!

About Us
The Spanish Club exposes members to the Spanish speaking world and its diverse cultures. One of our goals is to become better acquainted with the culture (language, food, music, art, etc.) by experiencing them firsthand whenever possible. This direct experience is a richer, more memorable experience than learning about cultural practices and perspectives from a reading assignment in a classroom, and helps us better understand the cultures of the language that we’re studying. Students do not have to be enrolled in a Spanish class to be in Spanish Club.
Advisor: Ms. Saalfeld
Please email Ms. Saalfeld (directory) to be added to the Spanish Club email list to get information about upcoming events. To see pictures and highlights from past events, go to https://sites.google.com/a/ftcpioneers.org/spanish/spanishclub.

Spanish Club 2023-2024