On Tuesday, April 2nd, the Freshman class participated in the Career Fair at the Fort Calhoun Community Building. The event was sponsored by the Fort Calhoun City Administrator’s office (Deb Sutherland and Katie Knight) in cooperation with the FCHS School Counselor Mrs. Micki Hernandez. The morning started off with a keynote presentation by Bob Grinnell, the owner of Surplus Sales here in Fort Calhoun. Then students attended two of the seven panels featuring local business professionals in various careers. There were almost forty different professionals who participated ranging from engineers to interpreters, and from
After the career fair, the class was treated to pizza and drinks sponsored by some of the local businesses. The Fort Bar generously allowed us to eat there so we would be off-site. Finally, the freshmen traveled to the Armory in Omaha and participated in team-building and leadership activities with representatives of the Nebraska National Guard. Special thanks to FCHS recruiter, Staff sergeant Liz Nielsen for coordinating that part of the day. The students really participated well and seemed to enjoy themselves. They were very attentive at the Career Fair and seemed to enjoy networking with the presenters.
Mrs. Hernandez