On Wednesday, September 25th the Freshmen class joined other Washington County youth to attend the first-ever Connect the Dots Day sponsored by UNL Extension and 4-H at the Washington County Fairgrounds. The students participated in the Connecting the Dots simulation activity, listened to a variety of post-secondary education/training option representatives and employers, and learned more about resumes, identifying and using their transferable skills, and workplace personalities.
Dennis Winterberg works to identify and classify his transferable work skills to learn more about staying motivated at work. Courtney Smith visits with the business reps about career opportunities in agriculture and diesel mechanic sponsorship programs. Dillon Kirby talks to a banking professional about careers in business, management, and administration and finance. Dylan Mitchell (foreground) and Alexa Geiger (background) practice their handshakes and networking skills during the ice breaker. Tilden Nottlemann caps off her discussion with the state trooper with a great handshake.