Engineering Competition at UNO

Mrs. Shields took 2 teams to the TSA TEAMS (Technology Student Association Test for Engineering Aptitude in Math and Science) Competition on Tuesday, February 17 at UNO. The teams placed 1st and 2nd in their respective division. The students participating were James Borsch, Sarah Determan, Kyle Owen, Tessa Stevens, Alex Tietz, Daniel Crump, Zane Fickbohm, Riley Grosse-Rhode, Bret Klabunde, Erin Schulz.


Phenomenon Show Choir

Phenomenon Show Choir competed at the UNO Show Choir Festival on Wednesday, February 11th. The group competed against 8 other schools in our class and performed very well. Phenomenon will compete again this Friday, February 13th, at the NCDA (Nebraska Choral Directors Association) Show Choir Festival held at Elkhorn South High School.


3rd Grade Project

Hearts are the most recognized symbol for February.  After all, it is the month of LOVE.  Third grade enjoyed creating beautiful Valentine artwork.  They used paper, scissors, glue and oil pastels to make these colorful pieces of art.

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Robotics Contest

Fort Calhoun Robotics class participated in their first contest this weekend at Benson High School. Teams did really well with this being their first contest of the year. They will be participating again at Skills USA State April 15-17 at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha.

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Geometry Project

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The student took a picture of a pioneer, put a 1-inch grid on it and then increased it to 8 foot tall pioneer. Making a shape bigger is called a dilation.

Proposed 2015-16 contract for Superintendent of Schools

The proposed 2015-16 contract for the Superintendent of Schools for Fort Calhoun Community Schools will be presented to the School Board for approval at the regularly scheduled meeting, Monday February 9, 2015. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. and is held in the Library at the Jr-Sr High School, located at 1506 Lincoln Street, Fort Calhoun, Nebraska.
A copy of the proposed contract can be found on the Districts website, under FCCS, Board of Education, Superintendent.
The approved contract and schedule D will be published in the same location on the website after it is approved.

Winter Sports Parents Nights

Wrestling, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball.

Wrestling: Thursday Feb. 5th.  We will announce players and parents beginning at 6:45 pm.  Please be at the HS by 6:30 pm.

Girls Basketball: Saturday Feb. 7th.  We will announce players and parents between the JV and Varsity game.  Please be at the HS by 6:30 pm.

Boys Basketball: Tuesday Feb. 10th.  We will announce players and parents between the JV and Varsity game.  Please be at the HS by 6:30 pm.


Kindergarten Math Exploration

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Mrs. Clausen’s kindergarteners, this school year, have been working on identifying the shapes: rhombus, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. They partnered with their 3rd grade reading buddies in Mrs. Leishman’s room on January 16th to do a hands-on project building these shapes with spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. The 3rd grade students were able to walk the kindergarteners through step-by-step on how to make these shapes, as well as a few three dimensional shapes such as cubes and pyramids. The students discovered that they can use these shapes to create tents, catapults, skyscrapers,  race cars and much, much more! We enjoyed working with our partners and discovering new characteristics of shapes all around us!

Early Childhood Screening, January 23rd!

Early Childhood Developmental Screening
For ALL Children
Birth through 5 years

Areas Screened Include: Communication, Social, Self-Help, Fine & Gross Motor

Where: Fort Calhoun Elementary
When: Friday, January 23rd

For more information or to make an appointment call:
Joyce Smith
(402) 468-5714

Doane College Vocal Festival & Honor Choir

Sunday and Monday, January 11-12, Hailey Hansen and Nolyn Appel participated in Doane College Vocal Festival & Honor Choir. These students went through an nomination process in November and were chosen to take part with 260 other High Schoolers from across the states of Nebraska and Iowa. Students are nominated by their choir directors to take part in the honor choir and the Doane College Music staff chooses the final list of participants from the nominations. This honor choir is open to only juniors and seniors in high school.
Students spent Sunday night and all day Monday rehearsing with Dr. Kurt Runestad, a vocal faculty member at Doane College. The festival ended Monday night with a final concert where both the honor choir of 260 performed along with the Doane Choir. The students have been individually preparing the music on their own since they found out they were selected in December. This honor choir gave Hailey and Nolyn an opportunity to go above and beyond, experience a new director, visit a college campus, and meet other students who share a love of music.
These students participated:
Hailey Hansen (11th grade)
Nolyn Appel (11th grade)
The songs they learned and sang:
O la, o che bon echo! (The Echo Song)
Highland Mary
The Last Words of David
Sunday (from Sunday in the Park with George)