English 12 Visits “Searching for Humanity”

In conjunction with the current unit they’re studying, a memoir called Night, the students in English 12 attended a Holocaust field trip called “Searching for Humanity”. Here they toured an exhibit, watched a video about local survivors and liberators, and listened to a survivor speak. The students learned so much and were touched and grateful for the experience.


Trout Eggs are Hatching in 6th Grade

The 6th graders’ Trout in the Classroom project sponsored by the Nebraska Games and Parks Commission is underway! About 160 rainbow trout eggs arrived on the 13th. The first eggs hatched three days sooner than our predicted date of Jan. 22nd. We’ll continue to research and investigate the trout life cycle and anatomy as they grow large enough to be released to a stock pond at the AkSarBen Aquarium in May. We shared a close up look at newly hatched alevins with our pre-school reading buddies.

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After Family Game Night

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Family Game Night was a success. Everyone had a lot of fun playing all the different games. Many families purchased games at the end of the night. These purchases contributed money toward providing new games for our school


If you did not attend and still want to help out our school, you can go to www.shopcrtoys.com and enter the code: fc2016. Using the code will give our school credit and shipping will be free, since your purchase will be delivered to the school. You must make your online purchase by February 1, 2016.   The games will arrive in time for Valentines Day!


Please contact me if you have any questions.

Kim Szlachetka



Third Grade’s Mrs. Leishman’s Class is Classroom of the Week

Congratulation to Mrs. Leishman’s Third Grade Class for being Classroom of the Week in the Blair Enterprise. Her class has a monthly contest to see who can get the most Accelerated Reader points. Winners this month were Levi Lasher (1st place), Addie Benoit (2nd place), and Ali Bell (3rd place). School wide, we have a reading buddies program. This week, 3rd Grade reading buddies showed their Kindergarten friends how to use the iPad to log into the Accelerated Reader App to take test. All of our students enjoy this time together.



Leishman class Leishman class Leishman class Leishman class

Photos courtesy of Joe Burns, Enterprise Publishing.

Junior High Honor Choir at UNO

Malachi King, 7th grader, was selected for the UNO Middle School honor choir held on February 8, 2016. Over 180 7th and 8th graders from across the state auditioned for the honor choir, and Malachi was one of 100 selected to participate. The honor choir students rehearsed all day on Friday with guest conductor Frank Watkins who currently is a music teacher at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Clair, and is an Omaha native. The day ended with a final concert open to the public where the middle school honor choir performed all five songs they had been working on throughout the day. Students selected for this honor choir were responsible for learning most of the music on their own over winter break in preparation for this day and came together on Friday to rehearse and create beautiful music together.

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Family Game Night on January 18th

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Join us at the Elementary School for lots of fun with family and friends on Monday, January 18 from 6-8 pm. CR Toys will have games that teach important skills and promote quick thinking available for everyone to play. The games are available for order and every purchase contributes towards new games for our school. This evening of fun is absolutely free and there is no pressure to purchase any games!  If you are unable to attend, there is an option to purchase games on line through their website, www.shopcrtoys.com and use the code fc2016. The code provides free shipping for your order and credits our school.


College Sociology Community Service

College Sociology class has had a busy semester. They have done several community service projects. One group has collected items for foster care kids, another has rang bells for Salvation army and will be serving food at a homeless shelter and another has done some recycling at the recycle center in Blair. Jordan Schaefer had this to say about her experience ringing bells. “Other than it being pretty cold one of the days, it was really fun. Getting to see everyone that supports the Salvation Army and gives money was really nice. Even getting to see people smiling as our group sang songs was great. A lot of people would come up and sing with us. It was also really great to see all of the little kids that would bring money and put it in the bucket. There were a lot more than I had expected.” Thank you students for your service to the community.



Nyaliet Teng, Jordan Schaefer, Montana Cottle and Rachel Schumaker rang bells for the Salvation Army.


Jordan Coulter, Tessa Dethlefs, Hanna Lazure, and Lauren Nelson Collected different items for foster kids.


Robotics Champions

Fort Calhoun High School robotics teams participated in a Vex Robotics tournament this weekend at Elkhorn high school. Three teams competed from Fort Calhoun, with team 5053A Pioneer 1 finishing as tournament champion. The team consisted of Bret Klabunde, Zane Fickbohm, Eric Wolf, and Colton Edie. They paired with another team from Thomas Jefferson, and had a record of 6-1 through the three elimination rounds that used a best out of three format. This tournament win has qualified them for the Iowa/Nebraska Regional held at Omaha North on February 26-27, and the U.S. Open held at the Mid America center in Council Bluffs on April 7-9.

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Winter Formal


The Winter formal for the High School Students is December 18th from 7-10 at the elementary school gym.  Admission is $5/person. Dress code: no jeans, sweatpants, or gym shorts. Outside Dance Permission form is in the office.



Elementary Quiz Bowl

-Quiz Bowl Competition at esu3 (24 teams were competing)
-We had 3 teams compete
*Team A (Photo 35) 1-2
*Team B (Photo 33) 3-2 earned 5th place
*Team C (Photo 34) 1-2
*All of our competitors (Photo 36)
*Action photo of Team B (Photo 37)
All teams competed at a high level while earning compliments from other teachers.
Statements made about our Fort Calhoun Kids….
“They are the quietest group here.”
“You have the most respectable kids in the building.”
“How do you get all of your kids to be so polite?”
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