Notice of Public Sale

Notice of Public Sale

 Of the house, located at 1109 Adams Street, Fort Calhoun, NE 68023

 Notice is hereby given that the Fort Calhoun Community Schools, Fort Calhoun Nebraska, propose to offer for sale by sealed bids, at 10:00 o`clock a.m. CST on the 14th day of January 2021, at Fort Calhoun Community Schools office of the Superintendent, located in the Jr.-Sr. High School 5876 County Road P43 (PO Box 430), Fort Calhoun, Nebraska 68023. The herein described item, to be sold for cash, “as is” and without warranty of condition. The minimum acceptable bid amount will be $10,000.

Sealed written bids may be submitted to the District office at any time prior to 10:00 a.m. CST on the 14th day of January 2021. The bids will be opened and considered at the district’s superintendent’s office immediately after. The school district shall have the right to accept or reject any and all bids submitted. The house will be available on January 15, 2021, removal must be completed no later than midnight on April 30, 2021.

                                                            Fort Calhoun Community Schools

                                                            Jerry Green, Superintendent

COVID-19 Reopening Information

Click HERE for the Elementary Return to School Plan (as of Dec. 2020)

Click HERE for the Junior High/High School Return to School Plan (as of Dec. 2020)

Click HERE for an updated District Return to School Plan (as of Dec. 2020). 

Click HERE to access the recording of the August 10th Board Meeting.


Click HERE to access the recording of the July 13th Board Meeting that includes discussion on school reopening.


In order to increase our communication avenues, please check out and follow the official Facebook page of the district here.

Washington County Housing Surveys

See the message below from Deb Sutherland, City Office Administrator

We are working on a new housing study for Washington County, if you have time please fill out this anonymous survey online. The more participation the better!  This will help shape what types of housing developments will be happening in the next 5 years in Washington County.  They are due back by December 18th.

County-Wide Citizen Housing Survey

Workforce Housing Needs Survey

Please contact Deb if you have any questions

Deb Sutherland


110 S. 14th St.

Fort Calhoun, NE 68023

Office: 402-468-5303 Fax: 402-468-5999 visit our website:

Sixth Grade Cell Models

The 6th graders have been learning about plant and animal cells in Mr. Mallette’s Science class. They ended the lesson with cell model presentations and did an amazing job.

Elementary Canned Food Drive

The Elementary School had a canned food drive this month. The Elementary school loves a good competition so classrooms competed to see who could bring the most food. The K-3 winners were Mrs. Szlachetka’s class and the 4-6 grade winners were Mrs. Roman’s class. This year, the food collected will go to the St. John the Baptist food panty and the Washington County Food Bank.

Veterans Honored at Fort Calhoun High School

On Wednesday, November 11th, Fort Calhoun Community Schools honored our Veterans by having a Veteran’s Day Ceremony. The event was hosted by our Skills USA students with Megan Braymen as the MC. The High School Band and Choir both performed several patriotic songs including the Armed Forces Salute. The keynote speaker was Byron Lawson,  Air  Force.  Even though the ceremony was a bit different this year, our gratitude to our Veteran was apparent.  Thank you to everyone who helped with the event.

Congratulations Coach Dave Smith

Congratulations Dave Smith on your retirement from many years of coaching Junior High Cross Country.

The Home meet on Thursday was Dave’s last one after coaching for about 38 years. It was a successful meet with both the Boys and Girls Junior High teams finishing in 2nd place. Pictured with him are his current teams plus several former runners who he has coached over the years. Thank you Dave for all you have done for the FORT over the year!