Unity Day

Bully Free2 Bully free3

Fort Calhoun Elementary united together on Wednesday, October 9, and supported students being bullied everywhere. It showed them that they are not alone – that someone cares by wearing orange on October 9. Together we can lead the movement against bullying!

Cross Country

Cross Country 2013

Fort Calhoun did well at the Arlington Cross Country Invite.  The girls were 2nd and the boys were 1st.  Girls that medalled: Mandy Hansen – 4th, Katie Edie – 5th, Abby Hillmer – 6th, Sarah Determan – 8th, and Anna Gepson – 10.  Boys that medalled:  Ben Everswick 1st,  Alex Tietz – 2nd, Adam Robinson – 4th, and Sean Ramey – 9th.

The junior high teams also had Boys 1st and Girls 2nd.
Please come out to support our team at our Home meet on September 26th at 4:30 pm

“Walk in Our Shoes-Student’s Perspective”

How do the students at Fort Calhoun feel about the current conditions of the school? Senior Ben Everswick thinks the school needs windows, an auditorium, a bigger gym, and a weight room like many neighboring schools. When asked what he thinks some of the main safety concerns of the school are, he stated that it is currently a fire hazard, it’s clustered, and the hallways do not have enough room during passing periods. “I also feel like I’m getting a mental illness without windows!” exclaimed Ben.
One Freshman stated that the school is too small and it needs to be expanded. When asked what he thought are the biggest issues the building needs to address, the student replied, “I personally wish there was more room in the classrooms and hallways.”
It isn’t hard to be a student at Fort Calhoun, yet it’s very distracting when other students are walking through your classroom to get to another. Four out of five of the students we interviewed said they would vote yes for the school bond. The student who voted no is a new senior student.
The photo shows students taking tests with other students walking through the classroom from their classroom to get to the hallways.

Super Teachers


“I teach , what’s your super power?” Third and Fourth grade teachers at Fort Calhoun Elementary prepared to get students excited for a new school year. The children were each given a card taped to their desks that read “I LEARN, what is your super power. ” The teachers explained that each of them has the power to learn, to work hard, to be responsible, to be kind. Those are all important powers that they are going to build on this year. Then, each student created their own masks and capes to wear.