Hearts are the most recognized symbol for February. After all, it is the month of LOVE. Third grade enjoyed creating beautiful Valentine artwork. They used paper, scissors, glue and oil pastels to make these colorful pieces of art.
Robotics Contest
Geometry Project
Kindergarten Math Exploration
Mrs. Clausen’s kindergarteners, this school year, have been working on identifying the shapes: rhombus, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. They partnered with their 3rd grade reading buddies in Mrs. Leishman’s room on January 16th to do a hands-on project building these shapes with spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. The 3rd grade students were able to walk the kindergarteners through step-by-step on how to make these shapes, as well as a few three dimensional shapes such as cubes and pyramids. The students discovered that they can use these shapes to create tents, catapults, skyscrapers, race cars and much, much more! We enjoyed working with our partners and discovering new characteristics of shapes all around us!
Doane College Vocal Festival & Honor Choir
UNO’s Middle School Honor choir
Dance Camp Fun
The Fort Calhoun Dance team held their dance camp on Friday, December, 5th. It was a success with 45 students participating. Dance team members, Kira Boyd, Emily Shannon, Mikayla Schmitt, Nicole Swanson, Hailey Greenwell, Lizzy Namuth, Taylor Thalman, Molly Shannon, were each placed in charge of a group of students. The theme for the camp was “Live, Love, Dance” and the girls danced in large and small groups to songs by Katy Perry, Madonna, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, and Lady GaGa at halftime of the girl’s varsity game that evening.
Conference Choral Clinic
American Red Cross Blood Drive
American Red Cross Blood Drive
December 3, 2014
10:00 – 3:00
Fort Calhoun Community Building
Feel Good About Giving Back by Donating Blood!
Please call Chriss for an appointment 402-468-5591
Give the Gift of Life!
Drama performance of “Going to School” coming soon.
This year we will be performing “Going to School” by Ed Monk. It is a One Act play, in which Nick makes the big transition of heading off to college for the first time. The only problem is, his family is taking him – his mother worries he will starve to death, his father forgot the tuition check, his sisters definitely do not want to go along for the ride, and his grandma “don’t hear so good no more!” It is definitely going to be a fun-filled day.