Homecoming Court 2014

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2014 hc coronation

Congratulations to the 2014 Homecoming Court. Prince and Princess were Tyler Pace and Christine Cate. King and Queen were Shannon Forrester and Mikayla Schmitt.

Student’s Mural 2014


Independent art students are making the most of the building construction. Students were given permission to create a mural on two pieces of drywall that are currently blocking an old exit. The mural was created by seniors Vince Hartline, Michelle DeWitt, and Madison Queen. The students have plans to create another mural in the gym on two additional pieces of drywall.

Earth Day 2014


The 3rd and 4th graders from Ft. Calhoun Elementary decided to clean up the school yard and playground. We had discussions on giving back to our school and community by volunteering. Students brought gloves, rakes, gardening tools and brooms to get the task done. Everyone enjoyed the teamwork and results when the job was complete. Mr. Dave Neumann was very appreciative of all the hard work!

Science Fair Winners 2014

The Science Fair was held on Monday March 17th.  The judges from OPPD said that choosing a winner was difficult because there was a variety of quality exhibits. Congratulations to all of our winners.

High School
1st.  Michaela Beavers-Measuring soil bearing capacity
2nd. Jessica Gravert & Amanda Hansen-How accurate is your taste?
3rd. Bradley Lester-Effect of lighting from carbon dioxide

Junior High
1st. Nicole Swanson-Predator and prey instincts?
2nd. McKenzie Cottle &Lizzy Namuth- Pareidolia: Can you hear music after it disappears?
3rd. Matt McGovern-When will wood break?

Overall winners
Julie Klemm and  Taya Skelton- How light affects plants?

 Lizzie&McK Nicole Jessica&MandyJulie&TayaBradley


Learning is Fun in 2nd Grade

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We have been studying embryology in science in second grade. Mr. Landon brought us 12 eggs on February 12th. We learned about how to take care of them and the process of hatching. Mr. Landon came back on the 18th and candled the eggs. One was not fertilized and one was cracked so, we had a possibility of hatching 10 chicks. On February 27th when we got here in the morning, 3 eggs were pipped, which means they had holes in the them and we could see the chicks breathing. By the end of the day, we were able to see three hatch and then one hatched later that night. This is a fun learning experience for all of us!

2014 Art Student Receives Honorable Mention


Congratulations to Christopher Lopez for earning an Honorable Mention award from the Nebraska Department of Aeronautics Aviation Art Contest. Christopher will receive his award on Saturday April 5, 2014, 1:30 p.m. at the National Guard base near the Lincoln Airport – in the Operations building. Numerous military and civilian aircraft are planned to be on display as well as an exciting program for everyone’s enjoyment.

Paul HighHorse’s work featured at KANEKO

High Horse, Paul

Hard work pays off. And this proves true for Paul High Horse.  Through continuing his art education, he has enriched his knowledge and found an abstract, mixed media style to communicate his Lakota Nation traditions and values. And, this isn’t going unnoticed.  Paul, as well as other Native American artists, has been asked to show his pieces at the Photographers and the Plains Indians exhibit at KANEKO February 7 – April 19.

The opening reception for Photographers and the Plains Indians is Friday, February 7 from 6 – 9pm.  This reception is free and open to the public.  Exhibit runs February 7 – April 19.  Open hours are Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm and Saturdays, 1 – 5pm.  If your schedule allows, come and support Paul. Hope to see you opening night.

KANEKO is a cultural institution, exploring and encouraging the process of creativity. It is located at 1111 Jones St, Omaha, NE 68102.

Click the link to read more about the photography exhibit:

Congratulations to Ben Everswick

Ben Everswick was one of two students in the Omaha region to receive Top Male Scholar Athlete in the sport of Cross Country for 2013 by the Greater Omaha Sports Committee.  He was one of 16 students who received this honor for fall sports.  Ben was joined by students from Bellevue East, Bellevue West, Central, Creighton Prep, Duchesne, Marian, Millard North, Millard West, Millard South, Papillion La-Vista, Ralston, and Skutt.
Ben joins a list of Fort Calhoun athletes who have received this award in the past.  Forgive me as I do not have all the history on this so I am sure I may have left someone off of this list, but here are some previous recipients of the award:
Shannen Ramey
Christine Keenan
Tara Meador
The Greater Omaha Sports Committee is the same committee that selects and awards the Outland Trophy for Top Interior Lineman for Division One College Football.  One of the special guests who spoke at the awards ceremony was Larry Jacobson, the 1971 Outland Trophy winner who played on the 1971 Nebraska National Championship team.
Congratulations Ben!

$134 Donated to Siena/Francis House

Students were given the opportunity to purchase candy canes to give to others from FBLA and Student Council before Christmas. $134 was raised from the candy cane orders and will be donated to the Siena/Francis House Homeless Shelter in Omaha.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever 2013

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Mrs. Leishman’s Voyager Readers performed The Best Christmas Pageant Ever play by Barbara Robinson. Parents, family, friends, Kindergarten- 6th graders, teachers, and support staff were in attendance. This is a fun tradition that has been happening for at least 13 years. This year we collected canned goods for the food pantry.