Robotics Contest

Fort Calhoun Robotics class participated in their first contest this weekend at Benson High School. Teams did really well with this being their first contest of the year. They will be participating again at Skills USA State April 15-17 at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha.

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Geometry Project

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The student took a picture of a pioneer, put a 1-inch grid on it and then increased it to 8 foot tall pioneer. Making a shape bigger is called a dilation.

Kindergarten Math Exploration 2015

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Mrs. Clausen’s kindergarteners, this school year, have been working on identifying the shapes: rhombus, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. They partnered with their 3rd grade reading buddies in Mrs. Leishman’s room on January 16th to do a hands-on project building these shapes with spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. The 3rd grade students were able to walk the kindergarteners through step-by-step on how to make these shapes, as well as a few three dimensional shapes such as cubes and pyramids. The students discovered that they can use these shapes to create tents, catapults, skyscrapers,  race cars and much, much more! We enjoyed working with our partners and discovering new characteristics of shapes all around us!

UNO’s Middle School Honor choir 2015

Friday, January 9th, six Jr High students participated in UNO’s Middle School Honor choir. These students went through an audition process in September and were chosen to take part with 160 other Middle school students across the state. For the auditions, students sang a solo song and a scale to show their voice capabilities. The UNO Middle School Honor Choir staff chooses the final list of participants. Throughout the day, students worked with guest conductor, David Puderbaugh in a music clinic setting and ended the afternoon with a final concert at 3:00 pm in the Strauss Performing Arts Center on the UNO campus. The students have been individually preparing the music on their own since they found out they were selected in November. This honor choir gave the students an opportunity to go above and beyond and challenge themselves with new music. It also gave the students a chance to really expand and grow in themselves as musicians.
These student were selected:
Oliva Evans (8th grade)
Julie Klemm (8th grade)
Jordan Wear (8th grade)
Joshua Nachtigall (7th grade)
Riley Mitchell (7th grade)
John Crump (8th grade)
The songs they sang on the concert were:
The Falcon
I Will Arise and Make Music
He Never Failed Me Yet
O Swiftly Glides the Bonny Boat

Conference Choral Clinic

On Monday, November 10th,  the concert choir went to our annual conference choral clinic at Platteview high school. A guest clinician was brought in to work with the choirs. As a choir we prepared our own individual piece which we worked on with the clinician and then performed our song on the final concert. Along with that, the students have been rehearsing and preparing 4 other pieces that they sang along with all of the other 7 choirs in our conference as a huge mass choir of over 400 students.
Our students represented our school SO well – we got many compliments on our performance, our behavior, and our preparedness for the day!
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Drama performance of “Going to School” coming soon.

Going to School Cast

This year we will be performing “Going to School” by Ed Monk. It is a One Act play, in which Nick makes the big transition of heading off to college for the first time. The only problem is, his family is taking him – his mother worries he will starve to death, his father forgot the tuition check, his sisters definitely do not want to go along for the ride, and his grandma “don’t hear so good no more!” It is definitely going to be a fun-filled day.

November 23rd – “Going to School” community performance – 2:00 pm at the Fort Calhoun High School gymnasium. Admission: $3.00 adults – students/children free
November 24th – One Act Capitol Conference competition at Wahoo High School. Fort Calhoun performance: 10:00 am
December 3rd – One Act District competition at Bennington High School. Fort Calhoun performance: 9:00 am

Honoring our Veterans 2014

On Tuesday, Fort Calhoun Community Schools honored our Veterans by having a Veteran’s Day Ceremony. The event was hosted by our Skills USA students. The Band performed several patriotic songs including the Armed Forces Salute. Both the High School and Elementary Choirs gave performances as well. Fred Carritt, the Washington Country Resource Officer, was the Keynote Speaker. Fred served in the Navy on the USS Kitty Hawk during the Vietnam War. Several service members from every branch of the Military were in attendances and enjoyed a luncheon prepared by the school kitchen and served by the Skills USA students. Thank you to everyone who helped with the event including the American Legion, school administrators and staff, and Skills USA students. Once again, Fort Calhoun Schools would like to thank all our Veterans their service to our country.

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Elementary is Hooked on Reading


Hooked on reading

On October 6, 2014, Ms. Homolka implemented an eight-week long reading program for the elementary school. This program is designed so that children will read more while they’re at home. The program has a fish theme, and as an incentive they receive Goldfish or Swedish Fish for reading the required amount. In addition, the grand prize for the top twenty readers is to go on a trip to the Henry Doorly Zoo. The children have to fill out a paper fish cut out, which must be signed by their parents after they read the assigned amount. This program is a clear way to get students “hooked” on reading!

Written by Frederick Lehman, Brayden Lake, and Tanner Coleman

Cross Country State Qualifiers

Congratulations to our Cross Country State qualifiers. Alex Tietz won the District meet and Peyton Griesert placed 5th. The State Cross Country meet is next Friday Oct. 24th. Good luck boys.


Hooked on Learning with the NE Game and Parks Commission.

Continuing with our school wide theme Hooked on Learning, Mrs. Leishman arranged for the Nebraska Games and Park Commission along with FC alumni Lindsey Chizinski to set up a live fish tank outside of the Elementary school. The students enjoyed learning hands on about native fish from Nebraska. Teachers were also given classroom resources called Fishing Fundamentals to use in their classroom throughout the year. Thank you Nebraska Games and Park Commission.

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