Weight Room Mural

Seniors Kennedy Bradburn, Carter Gochanour, and Kelsie Premer pose underneath a mural they recently finished in the weight room. All three seniors made the mural as a project for their independent art class. Great job students!

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Update from the Elementary

Are you wondering what those tickets are at school your student continues to talk about at home? We have the answer! The tickets are a part of our initiative with reinforcing and recognizing positive behavior.  This initiative intertwines with our school-wide behavior goals; Safe, Brave, Respectful and Responsible Pioneers. All staff can hand out tickets to students that are following those behavior goals. Once a student receives a ticket they place the ticket in a container and then staff draws eight lucky winners for “Pioneer of the Day”. Those students come to the office to be recognized. At the end of the week, two students are then drawn for “Pioneer of the Week.” If a student is drawn for “Pioneer of the Week” they receive a certificate and get posted on the digital board as you walk into the school. Lastly, as the students continue to receive tickets they are trying to fill up a 5-gallon bucket. If they make their goal we will have a school-wide celebration. Continue to ask your student if they received a ticket and we will continue to be Safe, Brave, Respectful, and Responsible Pioneers! Thank you for your time.
It’s a great day to be a PIONEER!

– Mr. Wagner, Principal

Post Prom Fundraisers

There are two opportunities to help Post Prom just by dining out. On Jan. 29th and Feb. 19th, the Rustic will donate 10% of their sales to Post Prom. All you have to do is mention Post Prom when you dine in or take out. Enjoy!

They will also be having a pancake breakfast this coming Sunday, Feb. 16th from 8 AM to Noon at Schwertly Hall.

Classroom of the Week

Mrs. Schleifer’s Fourth Grade class was the classroom of the week for Enterprise Publishing. Read more about their project below.

“In our classroom, we focus on having a growth mindset and the importance of gratitude. A large component of a growth mindset is focusing on the positive side of things and reminding ourselves what we’re capable of. The class read the book “Best Part of Me” and loved seeing how other students across the country take pride in themselves. The spirit of the book gave the kids excitement in identifying things they are proud of. Through brainstorming, note taking, writing and editing the students published what they are most proud of about themselves. We can all use a reminder from time to time about what is truly great about ourselves and to celebrate those things! This project has given our class energy and excitement to finish the rest of the school year on a high note!” – Allie Schleifer

Congrats to our Spelling Bee Winners

Wish them luck at the County Spelling Bee on February 12th which will be held in Fort Calhoun.

100 Days of Learning Fun

Fort Calhoun Elementary celebrated the 100th day on Jan 24th! We had fun with STEM building stations with 100 different objects including plastic cups, popsicle sticks, legos, pipe cleaners, and linking cubes! We made a 100-day snack made 100-day t-shirts. We are 100 days brighter here at Fort Calhoun!

Art After School

They are at it again! Ten 5th & 6th-grade students have been hard at work making masks from paper mache during the after school art program. The students were able to mold the masks with paper mache, then create their own design for the mask, and finally, use acrylic paint to make their pieces come to life. 
Starting in February, the second session for 3rd and 4th-grade students will begin. Mr. High-horse and Mrs. Rutledge will have new and exciting projects to work on. There are a couple more spots available if anyone is still interested!

Follow this link for more information. https://www.fortcalhounschools.org/community-organizations/pioneers-for-education-pfe/events/

Elementary Student Council Collecting Pop Tabs

Start saving those Pop Tabs!

Pop Tab Drive February 3-7th

The Student Council is going to continue to do a Pop Tab Drive for the Ronald McDonald House this year! Last year, we collected 127,500, WOW!!! Let’s see if we can beat that total! I have already seen some of the students bringing some tabs in, awesome! 

We are asking everyone to save their tabs starting today! The pop tabs will be collected by the classroom teachers the week of February 3rd. There will be a contest and a prize for the class who can collect the most tabs. We will choose a winner (1st and 2nd place) from K-2 and the winners from grades 3-6.

After one million tabs have been collected, the Ronald McDonald House will put our name on a plaque, to say “thanks a million!” Then, it is hung up in the house for all the visitors to see. 

Thank you so much for your support and kindness towards a great cause!

Mrs. Omer & the Student Council

See this letter for more information.

Girls in Engineering Day

Abigail Russell and Gina Namuth had a fun opportunity to participate in “Girls in Engineering Day” at UNL last weekend with Mrs. Shields. It was sponsored by UNL and the Lincoln Children’s Museum. It was a day for girls ages 7 to 18 to discover what engineers do. They explored hands-on activities and then had breakout sessions where more in-depth topics were discussed. They also were able to tour the UNL lab that is creating a surgical robot. Abigail Russell said she enjoyed learning about the different kinds of engineers and getting connected with professionals in the field.

picture by Jill Shields