Art Teacher, Paul High Horse in Residence at Joslyn Castle

Fort Calhoun High School’s Art Teacher, Mr. Paul High Horse, is the Castle & Cathedral Creative District Guest Artist in Residence at the Joslyn Castle through July 2025. Throughout his residency, Mr. High Horse will be working with the staff at the Castle to plan monthly community outreach activities while creating a new body of work to be shown in July at the Joslyn Castle Carriage House. The residency is made possible with support from the Nebraska Arts Council and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment. To learn more about the events he is planning to organize, follow this link: Joslyn Castle Events. To learn more about Mr. High Horse and his artwork, visit Paul High Horse.


Congratulations to our Science Fair Winners!

1st Place: Pictured below, Lucy Billesbach and Alice Kubicek – Is It the Bat?
2nd Place: Ione Schneider and Justice Carlile – Which Ingredient in Lip Balm is the Most Effective?
3rd Place: Ollie Geiger and Frank Bonacci – Effect of Epoxy on Carbon Fiber Strength 
Nice job Pioneers!

Vocal Music to Perform Seussical JR

The Vocal Music Department will unlock the imaginations of Fort Calhoun citizens when they bring the Cat in the Hat, Horton the Elephant, Gertrude McFuzz, Mayzie La Bird, the Whos in Whoville, and other Seuss favorites to life with their production of Seussical JRSeussical JR. combines Dr. Seuss’s tales (…and tails!) using the plinker-plunker of many musical styles – ranging from Latin to pop, swing to gospel, and R&B to funk – as colorful as the classic books. Horton will hear a Who and cheerful chaos will ensue on Saturday, April 12th at 7 pm and Sunday, April 13th at 3 pm at the high school gym. Tickets can be purchased for $6 at the door or from any musical cast or crew member. Children 5 and under will be admitted for free.
Seussical JR. is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized materials are supplied by Music Theatre International 423 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019 (212) 541-4684,

Junior High HAL students visit Luminarium 2025

The JRH HAL class took a field trip to the Kiewit Luminarium on the morning of February 19th. Nine 7th and eight 8th graders made the trip, along with HAL teacher Mr. Hansen and District Technology Director Paul Wilson. The goal of the trip was to engage the students deeper into the science and engineering topics presented at the museum, while also serving as a reward for the work they put in academically. In the coming weeks, the students will prepare presentations based on their favorite exhibit and deliver them to their HAL classmates.
The field trip was a great success and the students really enjoyed their time at the museum!

Free Early Childhood Developmental Screening

Preschool Screenings will be held on January 31st in the preschool rooms at Fort Calhoun Elementary School from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm. Please see the image below for information and click this link to access the SignUp.   You must register in advance.


For more information, call Ruby Weaver at 402-468-5714


Congratulations Local Spelling Bee Winners

Our local Spelling Bee was held January 22nd at the Elementary and January 23rd at the Junior High. Congrats to our amazing spellers. All of the qualifiers did a great job but there was a winner and a runner-up from each building. At our Elementary, the runner-up was Sam Richardson and our winner was Claire Heneger. At our Junior High, our runner-up was Ella Dworak and our winner was Christina Bach. Wish them all luck at the County Spelling Bee hosted by Fort Calhoun on February 6th at 9:00 AM

Sixth Grade HAL at Future Cities Competition

A group of sixth grade HAL students formed a team to compete at the state level of Future Cities Competition. A competition that tasks students in grades 6-8 to think about what cities would be like 100 years from now. This year’s theme was “Above the Current.” Students were to design a floating city and provide two innovative examples of how their floating city works and keeps its citizens healthy and safe..The group built a city and then presented their city to a group of judges. The team, which included Thomas Jensen, Korbin Kesteloot, Cheyenne Lake, Isla Muse, Quinn Hallberg, Sam Richardson, Levi Bowen, Geno Roberts, and Abram Benoit, brought home an award for “Best Moving Part.” The city model will be on display in the elementary school cafeteria this week.