Magician Performs for the Elementary Students

On Thursday, February 25, Fort Calhoun Elementary had a special guest.
Magician, Sean Watson, performed for the students as a reward for their fall fundraising.  As a part of his show, Sean talked about the struggles he had in school and how magic helped him gain confidence. He reminded the students that they could do anything they put their minds to if they tried hard enough. The students and staff enjoyed the show and we even had a few students get to help out.

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Congratulations to Mr. Calhoun, Cade Babin

Congratulations to Mr. Calhoun,  Cade Babin. Fort Calhoun High School held their annual Mr. Calhoun contest on Sunday to benefit Post Prom. Eight young men participated; Cade Babin, Cain Coontz, Zane Fickbohm, Riley Grosse-Rhode, Bret Klabunde, Ethan Shaffer, Sam Winter and Jacob Tegels. They were judged on 4 events; Beachwear, Talent, Evening wear, and Final Question. Runners up were Bret Klabunde and Jacob Tegels. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make this night a success.

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English 11’s Of Mice and Men Projects

The juniors have been working extremely hard on their final assessment for Of Mice and Men. For their final assessment, in groups they wrote and performed a skit. Their skit had to be centered around irony, which is the concept we focused on while reading Of Mice and Men. The students had a lot of fun creating these skits, and learned collaboration skills, how to write a script, and apply irony in a creative way.

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Nebraska Wesleyan Honor Band

Please recognize the following students for being accepted to the Nebraska Wesleyan University Honor Band, Dalton Ashby, Amanda Hansen, and Christopher Lopez. The clinics were held on February 11, 12 and 13th with a final concert on the 13th.


Show Choir at UNO Show Choir Festival

The High School Show Choir, Phenomenon, competed in their first competition of the season on Wednesday February 10th at the UNO Show Choir Festival. The group performed very well. They were a crowd pleaser and received high ratings from all three judges. Phenomenon will continue their competition season with three more competitions through the end of March and finish the season with District Music Contest in April.

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New Pioneer Mural

The Art Students at Fort Calhoun High School created a 9′ x12′ mural made up of 108 canvas panels. The figure is of our school mascot, The Pioneer. This has been in the making since last Spring but it was just recently hung on the wall of the Commons. The original design was created by Junior Skylar Wear but the painting of each panel was done by many of our Art Students.


Congratulations State Wrestling Qualifiers

Congratulations to our 2016 State Wrestling qualifiers Lonnie Albertson, Jacob Tegels, Dylan Hartline and Cole Welchert. Lonnie and Jacob were district champions. Wish them luck at the State Meet this weekend Feb. 18th-20th at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha. They will wrestling 1st round each morning at 9:30 am.



KAT 103.7 at the Elementary

Miss Juranek’s 1st grade class was chose as a stop on Kat 103.7’s Book Tour. Gina came to the classroom on Monday, January 8th to read to our students, answer questions about her job as a country music DJ and record the students saying the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge was then played on-air on Friday, January 12th. The students had fun and did a great job saying the Pledge.

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Wrestlers have 100 Career Wins

Congratulations to our Senior High School Wrestlers, Jacob Tegels, Cole Welchert and Lonnie Albertsons. They each have 100 plus wins in their careers. They are pictured here with their coaches Monte Christensen, Jim Meyer and Brody Welchert.
