Introducing SRO Greg Byelick

Welcome Officer Greg Byelick, our full-time School Resource Officer and Washington County Deputy Sheriff. Greg grew up in Cheyenne, Wyoming and moved to Nebraska to attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln. He’s been working in a Law Enforcement capacity since 2004. He worked security for UNLPD for 4 years and as a Juvenile Corrections Officer in Lincoln for just under a year. He was also a Deputy Sheriff in Gage County NE for 2 years and a police officer at the UNLPD for 8 years.

Fort Calhoun TeamMates

TeamMates are always in need of Mentors.
If you are interested, call or email the TeamMates coordinator for Fort Calhoun. Ashley Hallberg, 402-468-5714 or

Even former Fort Calhoun students return to mentor current students. Pictured below are Garrett Anderson and his mentee Andrew Janecek.

Tom and Nancy Osborne founded the TeamMates Mentoring Program in 1991 in an effort to provide support and encouragement to school-aged youth. The goal of the program is to see youth graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education. To reach this goal, youth meet one hour per week with a caring adult who serves as a mentor. They also have the opportunity to go on outings like field trips to Fontenelle Forest and a variety of sporting events. Mentors are volunteers from the community who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the life of a young person. Mentors give youth a sense of hope, purpose, and vision.

The TeamMates Chapter of Fort Calhoun started in 2012. We currently have 40 matches. TeamMates is growing strong with over 7000 matches in Nebraska and Iowa.

Frequently asked questions:

Who can volunteer to be a mentor?
Any adult 18 and over with an interest in supporting a young person in grades 3-12
Do you currently need mentors?
If you know of anyone who would be interested in mentoring please send them our way!
How much time does it actually take?
Just one hour per week during the school year.
What do I do when I go to mentor?
Have fun!  You can play a board game or cards, do a craft, play on the computer, read a book, talk about your week, go to the gym/playground/track and play around.
Where do the meetings take place?
All meetings take place in the school during school hours.
How do I learn how to be a mentor?
TeamMates provide training to all mentors, going over the do’s and don’ts and your local coordinator can assist with any other support or guidance needed.

More information can be found on the TeamMates website.

If you have any questions feel free to call or email the TeamMates coordinator for Fort Calhoun. Ashley Hallberg, 402-468-5714 or


Congratulations to our 2019 State Track Medalists

It was a great weekend at State Track! Congratulations to our State Track medalists. Your hard work paid off!

Zach Marshall (12) is State Champ in the 200M and got 5th place in the 100M

Ben Haggar (12) got 8th place in the 200M, and 3rd in the 400M with a record-breaking time of 50.15

Jake Haggar (12) ran 4th in the 400M

Taya Skelton (12) 4th place in the 1600M and State Champ in the 3200M

Avery McKennan (12) ran 4th in the 3200M

Unified Team (Adam Bannister, Dillon Dierks, Kameron Pringle, Kyle Deyen) 8th place in the 4×100

Fort Calhoun High School Students Get Creative for Fort Atkinson

Members of the Fort Calhoun High School Art Club, art students, and shop students worked together to create two face cutouts for Fort Atkinson. The face cutouts will be used for various events such as Living History Days. The students who helped with the project are Kaitlin Smith, Nathan Premer, Zach Marshall, Ben Haggar, Aaron Johnson, Kennedy Bradburn, Allyssa Wright, Alyssa Mitchell, Isabell Benoit, Jessyka Winterberg, Stephanie Mlynarik, Katie Barta, Sara Jabens, America Johnson, Piper Hager, Makayla Perry, Greta Wimmer, Lily Lyytikainen, Morgan Therikildsen.

Follow this link to get more information about Fort Atkinson and Living History Days.

Creighton Players Visit Elementary School

The students in Ali Romans’ 5th-grade class and Carly McElhose’s 1st-grade class were top readers in our March Madness Spring reading incentive program so they got a huge treat on Friday, April 26th. First, they were treated to a pizza party and then they got to shoot hoops with Creighton Basketball players, Connor Cashaw, Damien Jefferson and Jett Canfield. What an awesome reward. It was evident from smiles all around that the time spent made a lasting impression on both the future Pioneers and the current Bluejays. Great job readers!

Thank You Gift from Legion Post 348

American Legion Post 348 members Larry Kusek and Larry Pringle presented oil paint to the art department. The oil paint was purchased by Post 348 and given as a thank you, for painting the mural on the American Legion Post 348 building. The students pictured helped with the mural. (Not pictured are Ben Haggar, Bailey Donovan, Kelsie Premer, Morgan Shaner, Sadie Finch, Aaron Swanson, Shelby Altstadt, and Emilia Finke).

Mr. Mallette Awarded CHI Health Top Teacher Award

Congratulations to Mr. Mike Mallette! Mr. Mallette was awarded the CHI Health Top Teacher award. Parent, Desaray Ishii, nominated Mr. Mallette for the award saying in part that Mr. Mallette makes learning fun and makes the kids enjoy being at school. We are lucking to have Mr. Mallette on our team her at the Fort.

Congratulations Sadie Finch

Congratulations Sadie for being chosen as a World Language Distinguished Scholar! This award recognizes students for their leadership in language learning, commitment to language study, appreciation for cultural diversity, and communicative competence. The comments and review submitted by Spanish Teacher Anita Saalfeld, in combination with the work that Sadie presented, merit distinction for her ability and dedication in world language learning.

The Nebraska Department of Education and the World Language Advisory Council are recognizing distinguished scholars during World Language Week, March 31-April 6. The theme of World Language Week is, “The Power of Languages To Make You College, Career, and Civic Ready.”

The World Language Distinguished Scholar Award recognizes Nebraska students for their leadership in language learning, commitment to language study, appreciation for cultural diversity, and communicative competence. Students were nominated by their World Language teachers and submitted a portfolio.

For more information about World Language Week and the World Language Distinguished Scholar Award visit: