For student and parents/guardians, the following information is provided to help everyone understand the expectations and the responsibility of care and use related to receiving a Chromebook

1. Students will receive instruction from school district staff on the proper use of the Chromebook.

2. Students are expected to treat the Chromebook as a valuable piece of equipment.

3. Students are to use the Chromebook in accordance with the Fort Calhoun Community Schools Acceptable Use Regulations and to maintain the Chromebook in accordance with the procedures and information provided.

4. Chromebooks are the property of Fort Calhoun Community Schools and must be returned at the end of the academic year, upon withdrawal from Fort Calhoun Community Schools, or at the request of a teacher or administrator. Willful failure to return the Chromebook in accordance with the stated conditions will result in criminal prosecution.

5. Since the Chromebooks are the property of Fort Calhoun Community Schools, officials of the school have the right to review all material stored on or accessed by any Chromebook. School officials may revoke a student’s Chromebook use privileges for misuse or violation of policies.

6. Student Chromebooks will be labeled in the manner specified by the school. Under no circumstances are students to modify, remove or destroy these labels. *Each student is offered an optional computer damage/loss liability fee, the cost is $20.00 per device per year. For full details please refer to computer damage/loss computer form.

7.Don’t decorate/modify/personalize the Chromebook.

Replacement cost for lost, stolen or destroyed Chromebook and charger: $400.00; $370.00 for full replacement if charger returned; $155.00 full screen and hinge replacement; $100.00 screen replacement with no broken hinges; $55 keyboard replacement; $30.00 charger replacement; $5 stylus replacement.