Seventh Graders Send Military Care Packages

As a final project in the 7th-grade Seminar class, we put together military care packages. With donations from the Knights of Columbus and the FCCS Foundation, Dr. Johnson purchased items for the boxes. We also received donations from the students and The Blair Dental Clinic. All the students helped fill the boxes with a variety of snacks and essential items along with a personal note from each of them. We were even able to send some of the packages to alumni who are serving. In all, we were able to fill 21 boxes!

Fort Calhoun Celebrates Unity Day

Fort Calhoun High School’s Student Council planned numerous activities to celebrate National Unity Day on October 20th. Every person in the secondary building wrote a response about what unity means to them; these responses were linked together and formed a massive chain that was draped in the hallway. This chain symbolized our unity and solidarity, showing that even though we are different, we are alike in our common purpose of anti-bullying.   StuCo members decorated the entrances with sidewalk chalk; littering it with positive messages to let students know that it’s important to lift each other up.  They even adorned the football fence with a UNITED tag. In addition to Unity Day efforts, students and staff were encouraged to wear orange, a visible anti-bullying message, to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.  Grades 7-12 and faculty spelled the word UNITED! on the football field to display the unanimity in our school.

Congrats to our 2021 State Cross County Qualifiers

Congratulations to our State Cross Country Qualifiers. They will run on Friday, October 22nd at 12:30 and 1:30. Please wish them luck. Go Pioneers!
The Boy’s team was District Champions!

Ely Olberding – District Champ
Lance Olberding
Jacob Rupp
Johnathon Schwarte
Travis Skelton
Lawson Tjardes
Gage Nixon

The Girl’s team place 3rd at Districts!

Bria Bench
Dala Drowne
Xinzhi Haung
Harley Schwarte
Tessa Skelton
Kaitlyn Thalman


Junior High Cross Country Performs Well at State Meet

Five Junior High girls and 6 Junior High boys participated in the championship race at the State Junior High Cross Country meet on Saturday, October 9th.  Two additional Junior High boys ran in the open race.  Maelie Nelson (8th grade), placed 10th overall (in all classes) for the girls and Will Dennis (8th grade), placed 19th overall for the boys.  Both Maelie and Will’s times were the fastest runs at this state meet by a Fort Calhoun athlete.  There were three other top 100 finishes: Raeann Massey (7th grade) finished 31st overall and Bella McLaughlin (8th grade) finished 51st for the girls.  Seth Waters (8th grade), finished in 82nd place for the boys. Way to go runners!

Sixth Grade Career Day 2021

Sixth-grade students were involved in a career day on Friday, October 8.  The students participated in online meetings with five different speakers.  The speakers each shared information from how they chose their given careers to what a typical day is like in their jobs.   Fort Calhoun Sixth Grade would like to thank our presenters.  Matt Tinkham- Surveyor,  Sarah Billesbach- Dentist, Chad Nixon- Firefighter/EMT , Matt Smith- Architect, and Amy Infante- Entrepreneur.