Agriculture in the Classroom

The 2nd grade Social Studies class is studying Agriculture in the Classroom and helping the community at the same time. They are growing sweet potato vines for the Fort Calhoun CommUnity Garden. They are learning to grow crops and how to become producers and consumers. The students are responsible for planting the potatoes, taking care of them, and observing the project each week to compare and collect data.  They researched sweet potatoes and put together an interactive and informational bulletin board.

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Thank You Student Council

Fort Calhoun Student Council picked up litter on Sunday, April 17 on Highway 75 south of Fort Calhoun. They are Johnny Crump, Aaron Winter, Wylie Oliver, Ben Namuth, McKenzie Cottle and Zoe Fickbohm.


Student Honors

Congratulations to the following students for being selected to the MCC Careers Academy for next year. Caleb Grosse-Rhode (Fire Science Technology), Jadon Costanzo (EMT), Justin Drowne (EMT), Coltin Ivester (Welding Technology), Jacob Genoways (Construction Technology – year two), and Autumn Kestel (Criminal Justice)



Also to our Girl’s State Representatives Montana Cottle (girls state rep) and Lauren Nelson (girls state alternate.)


Autumn Kestel, and Montana Cottle have the honors of being selected as Junior Law Cadets for our District.


2016 Audubon Society of Omaha Art Contest

Congratulations to the following students for earning prizes and recognition at this year’s Audubon Society of Omaha Art Show.

Ethan Hann – Excellence in Realism
Avery McKennan – Excellence in Realism, Best of Show 9-12
Kloey Appel – Excellence in Realism, Excellence in Graphic Design, 2 Best of Show
Ashlyn Dippel – Merit in Realism
Jessica Gravert – Excellence in Realism
Jacob Tegels – Excellence in Realism, Best in Show 9-12
Sadie Brown – Merit in Realism
Not pictures are Rachael Fuhrman – Excellence in Graphic Design and Ethan Shaffer – Excellence in Graphic Design, Best in Show 9-12.

Fort Calhoun School Branding Video and Open House Slideshow

Click the link below to view the school branding video on Google Docs. Thank you to Angie Kubicek, Cara Anderson, Gina Kotas and all the Fort Calhoun students who helped with this project.


Follow this link to view the video on YouTube.

Follow this link for a picture slideshow of the Open House

Open House 2016



One School-One Book

March is Reading month at Fort Calhoun Elementary School!!!  PFE’s One School – One Book, family to school campaign is here!!!  Books, activities, and a reading schedule will be sent home Monday, March 14th after a school – wide kick off!  Families will read the book together, partake in fun-filled activities and conversations about this great book!  The culmination of this event and book will be the PFE Carnival held on Friday, April 15th.  If you have any questions, please email Mandy Taylor

Click the following links for more information.

Kenny – Activities

Kenny – Calendar

Kenny – Certificate _week 1

Kenny – Certificate  week 2

Kenny – Certificate _week 3

Kenny – Certificate _week 4

Kenny – Chess

Kenny – Illustration Recall

Dr. Seuss Week Celebrations

Fort Calhoun Elementary had a blast celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday. They had many different dress up themes, contests and story times. Some favorites were MIxed Up Monday and Wacky Wednesday. Students also had the opportunity to enter the “decorate a hat at home contest” and make a Seuss Soup Snack to enjoy during their time reading Dr. Seuss books throughout the week.  The week wrapped up with an assembly to announce contest winners. A highlight of the week was watching the students who won the contests race their teachers and Mr. Wagner in various events.

Winners of the decorate your door contest were Mrs. Gross for PreK-2nd and Mr. Teeter for 3rd-6th. Mrs Royuk was the overall winner.

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The Winners for the Dress up days were Ellie Duros in Preschool, Dehlia Hallberg in Kindergarten, Will Duros in 1st Grade, Natalie Lammers in 2nd Grade, Samantha Thomas in 3rd Grade, AJ Pace in 4th Grade, Grace Genoways in 5th Grade, and Payton Pohlad in 6th Grade. These lucky winner got to compete against their teachers in fun races.

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The winners of the decorate a hat contest got to race Mr. Wagner on a scooter around the hallway. The winners were Lucie Larsen and Grady McDonnell.

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There was also a contest to see who could be quietest in the lunch room. These winners were Kindergarten, Third Grade and 6th Grade. Their teachers were rewarded by getting a shaving cream “hat.” It was a lot of fun.

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Everyday, the students had a surprise guest read them a Dr. Seuss story.





Fort Calhoun High School Open House

Fort Calhoun High School

Open House April 3, 2016

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Please join us at the Open House and tour the newly renovated Junior/Senior High School. The tour includes a viewing of the expanded classrooms, new competition gym, industrial arts area, art room and more! Guests will also have the opportunity to preview the new school video. Thank you for your support in improving the safety and learning environment of our students. We hope to see you there!



Congratulations to our Science Fair Winners 2016

Congratulations to our 2016 Science Fair Winners
Jr. High

3rd- Grant Hansen, Maddie Hansen-  Do egg replacements effect height?

2nd- Dillon Dierks, Justin Myer- Does the amount of water affect the growth of plants?

1st- Evelyn Roehr- Can objects with same weight have different densities?

High School

3rd- Piper Hager, Rachel Hager – Fingerprint Fanatics

2nd- Nick Smith – Rapid Attraction

1st – Nickie King, Jordan Wear – Denaturing Proteins

Overall winner

Julie Klemm,  Taya Skelton – How does microwave radiation affect different living organisms?

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