March Madness at the Elementary 2015

March Madness was set up as a double elimination competition with classes going head-to-head against one another to see who could read the most at home. The Clausen Wolverines (kindergarten) and Leishman Zappers (3rd grade) competed for the championship, with the Wolverines coming out on top. Both classes shared a lunch of  Godfather’s pizza and a visit from Creighton basketball players Austin Chatman, Isaiah Zierden and Will Artino.


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Vans Custom Culture

Earlier this semester, our art department applied and was accepted to participate in the Vans Custom Culture, a national shoe designing competition. Up to 3,000 schools nationwide had the opportunity to participate, and we were fortunate enough to make the cut this year.

Students submitted designs based on the four shoe themes: Art, Local Flavor, Action Sports, and Music.  Designs by Vince Hartline, Taylar King, and Killian Roehr were chosen as the winners. Designs were tweaked and four art students were chosen to transfer them to the shoes. Vince, Destinie Bradberry, Heather Remm, and Zane Fickbohm worked extremely hard designing, creating, and applying the art to the physical pairs of shoes.

Jim Shields was kind enough to lend us his photography expertise to take photos of the shoes. Please view the attached images, which were submitted for the competition. In addition to the photos, we made a 1-2 minute video, thanks to Jake Polesky and Hannah Nieto.  When you see these students, please congratulate them on their hard work and dedication.

On April 24th we will find out if we made it into the top 10 schools in our region. Wish us luck.

The shoes are on display across from the high school office in our glass display case.

Action_Sports Art Group Local_Flavor Music

2015 Audubon Society of Omaha Art Contest

2015 Audubon Society of Omaha Art Contest

Congratulations to the following students for earning prizes and recognition at this year’s Audubon Society of Omaha Art Show.

-Maddie Rheinheimer earned an excellence award for realism, as well as Best of Show.

-Jessica Gravert earned an excellence award for graphic design, as well as a merit award for realism.

-Clayton Pratt earned a merit award for realism.

-Zane Fickbohm earned two excellence awards for realism.

-Brooke Sutherland earned a merit award for realism.

-Killian Roehr earned a merit award for cartooning.

-Heather Remm earned two excellence awards for realism, as well as Best of Show.

Not Pictured is Christopher Lopez, who earned an excellence award for graphic design, as well as Best of Show.

MaddieRheinheimerJessicaGravertClaytonPrattZaneFickbohmBrookeSutherland  KillianRoehrHeatherRemm