Mrs. Clausen’s kindergarteners, this school year, have been working on identifying the shapes: rhombus, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. They partnered with their 3rd grade reading buddies in Mrs. Leishman’s room on January 16th to do a hands-on project building these shapes with spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. The 3rd grade students were able to walk the kindergarteners through step-by-step on how to make these shapes, as well as a few three dimensional shapes such as cubes and pyramids. The students discovered that they can use these shapes to create tents, catapults, skyscrapers, race cars and much, much more! We enjoyed working with our partners and discovering new characteristics of shapes all around us!
UNO’s Middle School Honor choir 2015
Friday, January 9th, six Jr High students participated in UNO’s Middle School Honor choir. These students went through an audition process in September and were chosen to take part with 160 other Middle school students across the state. For the auditions, students sang a solo song and a scale to show their voice capabilities. The UNO Middle School Honor Choir staff chooses the final list of participants. Throughout the day, students worked with guest conductor, David Puderbaugh in a music clinic setting and ended the afternoon with a final concert at 3:00 pm in the Strauss Performing Arts Center on the UNO campus. The students have been individually preparing the music on their own since they found out they were selected in November. This honor choir gave the students an opportunity to go above and beyond and challenge themselves with new music. It also gave the students a chance to really expand and grow in themselves as musicians.
These student were selected:
Oliva Evans (8th grade)
Julie Klemm (8th grade)
Jordan Wear (8th grade)
Joshua Nachtigall (7th grade)
Riley Mitchell (7th grade)
John Crump (8th grade)
The songs they sang on the concert were:
The Falcon
I Will Arise and Make Music
He Never Failed Me Yet
O Swiftly Glides the Bonny Boat