Science Fair Winners 2014

The Science Fair was held on Monday March 17th.  The judges from OPPD said that choosing a winner was difficult because there was a variety of quality exhibits. Congratulations to all of our winners.

High School
1st.  Michaela Beavers-Measuring soil bearing capacity
2nd. Jessica Gravert & Amanda Hansen-How accurate is your taste?
3rd. Bradley Lester-Effect of lighting from carbon dioxide

Junior High
1st. Nicole Swanson-Predator and prey instincts?
2nd. McKenzie Cottle &Lizzy Namuth- Pareidolia: Can you hear music after it disappears?
3rd. Matt McGovern-When will wood break?

Overall winners
Julie Klemm and  Taya Skelton- How light affects plants?

 Lizzie&McK Nicole Jessica&MandyJulie&TayaBradley


Learning is Fun in 2nd Grade

2ndGradechicks 2ndGradeChicks2 2ndGradeChicks3

We have been studying embryology in science in second grade. Mr. Landon brought us 12 eggs on February 12th. We learned about how to take care of them and the process of hatching. Mr. Landon came back on the 18th and candled the eggs. One was not fertilized and one was cracked so, we had a possibility of hatching 10 chicks. On February 27th when we got here in the morning, 3 eggs were pipped, which means they had holes in the them and we could see the chicks breathing. By the end of the day, we were able to see three hatch and then one hatched later that night. This is a fun learning experience for all of us!